SEMOpx Quarterly Market Report Q4 2021
Affected Period
Run type
06/01/2022 12:02
Last Updated
06/01/2022 12:16
Dear Members,
The SEMOpx Quarterly Market Report Q4 2021 is now available.
The key statistics for Q4 2021 are:
- Traded volumes (GWh) are up 14% in Q4 2021 compared to Q4 2020.
- Market value () of Q4 2021 is up 390% compared to Q4 2020.
- DAM average price Q4 2021 is 338% higher than Q4 2020.
- DAM average price is 261% higher in YTD 2021 compared to the same period in 2020
Take a look at the key statistics report comparing trends year on year for Quarter 4 2021 in our Quarterly Market Report Q4 2021.
If you require more detailed information please see our current Ex-Ante Market look back dataset which is available from the SEMOpx website. This dataset is regularly updated with historical price and volume information for all the SEM Ex-Ante markets. For dataset containing information from go live to Dec 2020 please see here.
Kind regards,