SDAC JSC report on partial decoupling of EMCO CWE on 04/02/2020

Affected Period



Run type

20/03/2020 10:58

Last Updated
20/03/2020 12:22

On Tuesday, 4th February 2020, an incident took place in the Day Ahead Market Coupling process that led to a partial decoupling of EMCO CWE, affecting the day ahead trades for Wednesday, February the 5th in the Multi-Regional Coupling (MRC). 

Due to missing order books of EMCO for the CWE area, three interconnectors were decoupled. 

The root cause was a specific bid that could not be processed in the EMCO Local Trading System.  The other areas, including the SEM, remained coupled during this event. 

The European Day-Ahead Joint Steering Committee has published this report on this event.